
A Choice Health Center

2322 Butano Drive, Ste. 210A, Sacramento, CA 95825

 (916)483-2283        achoicehealth@hotmail.com

Heat, Cold and Magnets Therapy

Heat and cold and Magnetic Therapies are the most common types of noninvasive and no addictive pain-relief therapies for muscle and joint pain. Which one you use depends on whether the pain is new or recurring.

Heat opens up blood vessels, which increases blood flow and supplies oxygen and nutrients to reduce pain in joints and relax sore muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The warmth also decreases muscle spasms and can increase range of motion. Applying superficial heat to your body can improve the flexibility of tendons and ligaments, reduce muscle spasms, and alleviate pain.

Cold slows down blood flow to an injury, thereby reducing pain and swelling. Cold therapy slows circulation, reducing inflammation, muscle spasm, and pain. It should be used if the area is swollen or bruised.

Magnet therapy involves applying a magnet to the skin or close to the skin to improve a condition such as pain.

There is interest in magnet therapy for medical conditions due to the variety of electromagnetic fields that naturally occur within the body. For example, nervous system transmissions and related muscle contractions are associated with magnetic activity. The heart generates the largest magnetic field in the body. Several other activities in the body are associated with magnetic activity.
